- Lifestyle & Sports
- 13 Aug 24
Most of us will be familiar with what was one of The Police’s greatest hits. But that phrase will take on a whole different meaning at this year’s Electric Picnic, where fans are asked to do their bit to help save the planet by returning plastic bottles and aluminium cans on-site.
Electric Picnic are determined to raise the bar for sustainability at music festivals this year. And for anyone who cares about the future of the planet, that’s good news. Because if EP leads the way, others will have to follow. You just watch. From eliminating single-use plastics to powering the main stage via renewable energy, the festival organisers have put a sophisticated plan in place for 2024 – and they will be working alongside a number of nonprofits to give the cause added momentum. Among these is Re-turn. I think I see a quizzical expression on your face! Let us explain...

Re-turn are the operators of Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), which has now been running for almost six months. Even in that short time, it has been delivering superb, measurable results… The scheme, which was established to help ensure that Ireland can meet its EU commitments in relation to recycling targets, is straightforward. Customers are charged a deposit on every purchase involving plastic bottles or aluminium cans (for example, bottles which contained dairy products are not included). Plastic bottles and cans included in the scheme carry a Re-turn logo. Re-turn enables consumers to reclaim that deposit, simply by taking their used plastic bottle or aluminium can and returning it at one of the many Deposit Return Points nationwide. Since launching in February, the scheme has already collected – wait for it – a whopping 300 million plastic and aluminium drinks containers for recycling. That’s a lot of plastic and aluminium for re-use! In other words, the Deposit Return Scheme is already proven to promote sustainability. At Electric Picnic, Re-turn will take its sustainable message to the 75,000 festival people gathered in Stradbally, Co. Laois. The operation will be represented there throughout the festival, with a Re-turn stand – and people on hand to answer questions and offer sage recycling advice. The objective is to vastly reduce the number of disposable drinks containers which end up in our general waste bins – a vital element in the battle to save the planet. To put it in perspective, the scheme not only allows for the infinite recycling of aluminium – a marvellous thought! – but also ensures plastic bottles can be recycled up to seven times! Now that, surely, is a mission to be supported.
Sustainability isn’t the only name of the Re-turn game. In June of this year, the organisation established ‘Return for Children’, a new charity fundraising programme supporting six national children’s charities: Barnardos Ireland, Barretstown, Childline by ISPCC, Jack & Jill, LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, and Make-A-Wish Ireland. The ‘Return for Children’ campaign aims to reduce litter at events – providing people not just with the opportunity to recycle, but also with the option of donating their deposit to charities.
As quoted elsewhere in the latest issue, Julie Dawson, singer and guitarist with Galway rock band NewDad, sees Re-turn as a great way to address what had often seemed like an insurmountable problem at festivals – with some fans throwing empty plastic bottles and aluminium cans around like confetti. “You’d definitely want to do something about that,” Julie told Hot Press, “because in the past you could see there was a vast amount of waste in the aftermath of festivals. So I really think the bottle return scheme is a great thing to have going at festivals. Any measures they can take to cut back on waste are incredible and to be supported. And it’s even better that they can do it for charity!”

Of course there is no obligation to donate your deposit refunds to charity. Galwegian DJ and producer Datsko takes a humorous view, emphasising the entrepreneurial potential of the scheme for people who are skint. “I think the deposit return scheme is a serious way to make an extra bit of change,” he laughs. “There’s bound to be a load of cans around at any festival, so you may as well make a few bob out of it. I think it’s a savage way to get a free can after all your recycling.” More seriously, Datsko also sees the real benefits of the scheme. “Recycling the cans and bottles is a really good initiative,” he observes. “It keeps the festival clean and is good for the environment.” Add in the recent initiative that caps on soft drinks and plastic water bottles are designed to stay attached and the benefits are even greater, with far fewer small items to be dealt with. What’s not to like?

A sense of community is important to Re-turn – they’ve already made waves at Bloom Festival and Taste of Dublin, and have begun working with GAA clubs and local communities. Their zeal is real: Re-turn are determined to get everyone on board, all the better to make a big impact on the numbers.
The implicit message is: let’s get ahead of target if we can! With that genuinely green national objective in mind, keep an eye out for the main donation installation at EP, as well as the bin stations dotted around the festival grounds in Stradbally! Make sure – as far as possible – that your containers and plastic bottles (preferably with the caps attached!) are undamaged and un-crumpled when you return them.

Oh, and if you’re up for a chat, at any stage you can head on over to the Re-turn stand, where friendly faces will be happy to give tips, and to answer any questions about Ireland’s DRS. The booth also boasts a number of opportunities to learn about the DRS’ positive impact on water, waste, emissions, energy and how DRS will help to foster a sustainable future for the generations of Picnickers to come. Finally, watch out for news of a fascinating panel on Sustainability at the Hot Press Chat Room. It’s going to rock! Electric Picnic promises to be a world leader in sustainability – Re-turn has a vital part to play in that mission. Long may it continue...
Check out our full Electric Picnic feature in this month's issue of Hot Press: