- Lifestyle & Sports
- 28 Jan 25
Dr Joseph Collins and Gráinne O'Donoghue of Education and Training Boards Ireland discuss the many benefits of embracing lifelong learning – and exploring your options through Further Education & Training.
With a record number of over 400,000 Further Education & Training (FET) places taken up in 2024, there’s no doubt that the education landscape is shifting in Ireland – with more people than ever coming to realise that there's a vast world of learning that stretches far beyond the CAO-to-university route.
“It’s a great time to be involved in FET,” says Dr Joseph Collins, Director of FET at Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI). “The programmes we offer are from Level 1 through to Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), so there’s now something for everybody, right across the lifelong learning spectrum.”
ETBI is the representative body for the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) located around the country – which are the driving force of education and training in local communities, providing pathways for learners through FET. That includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community and adult education, as well as core literacy and numeracy services.
FET is particularly notable for its accessibility – offering courses for anyone over 16, whether they want to learn new skills, build on existing skills, get a job, or progress on to Higher Education.
Gráinne O'Donoghue, FET Manager at ETBI, knows first-hand how transformative education can be, having returned to it herself in her thirties.
“I engaged with FET, and worked my way up,” she tells us. “The supports, encouragement, and opportunities available to a FET learner are endless. You’re supported to explore, and move forward in your career. It also caters to your own personal needs, based on your individual circumstances.”
Another strength of FET is the relatively smaller class sizes.
“That means teachers and tutors immediately have the opportunity to get to know their students, on a one-to-one basis,” Joseph notes. “As a result, they can respond quickly to individual needs, and tailor the delivery to meet those needs.”
ETBI also works closely with various industries, to ensure that the ETBs are providing programmes that fulfill both the aspirations of learners and the requirements of employers. That includes responding rapidly to any potential skills shortages.
When it comes to addressing issues like the housing crisis, craft apprenticeships like carpentry or plumbing are vital. But there have also been many new programmes launched in recent years.
“As the world shifts towards sustainability, FET plays a pivotal role in equipping learners with green skills,” Joseph says. “We’re growing our programme provision in this space, and targeting programme partnerships with industry – to ensure then the learners, once they finish their programmes, are ready to engage with the workforce.
“And in this new era of lifelong learning, where upskilling and reskilling happens on a continuous basis, we have the advent of micro-credentials,” he adds. “They’re bite-sized qualifications that we offer through FET that, again, are very aligned to industry needs.”

Dr Joseph Collins ETBI
Crucially, FET is available in every community across the country, thanks to the 16 ETBs. That’s good news not only for school leavers who, faced with student accommodation shortages, wish to explore their local options, but also people at various stages in life, including, as Gráinne notes, “those in current employment, those who are returning to education, and those who want to upskill or reskill.”
“People have their own individual circumstances, and barriers to engaging with education in bigger cities,” she resumes. “Whereas FET is there, in your community, on your doorstep. It’s easily accessible.”
Breaking down barriers to education is one of ETBI’s key priorities. ETBs around the country took the lead in helping Ukrainian refugees to integrate into Irish society – providing them, Joseph tells us, with “the English language skills needed to either go on to Further and Higher Education, or go directly into the workforce.”
Gráinne urges anyone who’s interested in expanding their own horizons to reach out to their local ETB.
“There’s someone there for everybody – ready to answer the phone, and talk through what you’re looking for – in all of the 16 ETBs across the country,” she says. “So pick up the phone, send an email, reach out – and the answer will be there.”
For more about the work of Education Training Boards Ireland, see etbi.ie